Newsletter #1: Your Journey to Mastering Logseq Starts Here

Happy Monday, fellow Logseqers!
This is the first official newsletter of many. Starting today, you'll get everything you need to know about Logseq in one email per week. We'll update you about new functionality, plugins, themes—and a healthy dose of resources created by the amazing Logseq community.
My name is Ramses, and I'm Logseq's community manager. I'll be writing this newsletter every week, but only because the community has helped me. If you know of useful resources or want to contribute content to the new Logseq blog, please reply to this email and let's get talking. For now, I'll do what I do best: curating all the bits that will be useful for you.
Let's dig in!
Workflow Wednesday
💌 How to write a curated newsletter with Logseq
Do you aspire to write a curated newsletter like this one? Maybe you have a hobby you want to share with others, or maybe you're responsible for a project at work and need to send regular updates. No matter the use case, curation is always part of a newsletter.
On Wednesday, May 11th, I showcase my entire process to create this newsletter. Click here to register if you want to attend live so you can ask questions, or just vibe with other Logseq enthusiasts. The recording will be published to the Logseq YouTube channel next week.
New in Logseq
We've just released version 0.6.8 of Logseq desktop and the Android app. Head over to GitHub or check inside the app (...
> Settings
) to update. Here are some of the most important changes:
- We've brought back encryption! In the last version we temporarily removed it as the feature was causing problems for some users. We've fixed that now and will continue to support and develop this encryption solution. Please note that encryption is still an experimental feature.
- Thanks to queeup we now have a Turkish translation, and ntotao has translated Logseq into Italian! Hidekazu Kubota also refined the Japanese translation.
- We've improved navigating the breadcrumbs of blocks and linked references. Now, parent blocks expand within the breadcrumb instead of navigating to the block in the main window. Here's a short demo:
- Block references now open below the block (versus in the sidebar) when clicking the block reference counter. Here's a short demo:
New plugins and themes
Many new plugins hit the Marketplace last week. These are some of our favorites (search for them in ...
> Plugins
> Marketplace
within Logseq):
📋 Paste More
Out of the box, Logseq removes links and formatting from rich text you copy from other apps or websites. With the Paste More plugin, your text will retain all formatting when pasting it in Logseq.
🔗 Get Webpage Title
This nifty plugin looks for an URL in the block you run it in, grabs the title from the web page, and turns the URL into a link with a label.
💨 Quick References
Do you have pages with long names that you often link to? Consider getting the Quick References plugin to save yourself some typing.
🧱 Tidy Blocks
Sometimes text pasted from other apps contains lots of whitespace. Save time cleaning up the formatting with the Tidy Blocks plugin, which does it for you.
📤 PDF Export
This plugin isn't new, but PDF Export just got a massive update that will make you love it even more. If you like to use Logseq to write documents, this plugin is a must-have.
Fairly major update to logseq PDF export. 🎉
— Aryan Sawhney 🪵 (@aryansawhney17) May 9, 2022
- New UI, looks a lot better and in line with logseq generally
- New mode for Retained Formatting, allows you to print your logseq page as you'd see it
- Options to hide brackets, properties and bullet colors
Enjoy :)
Goodies from around the web
📎 MarkDownload: Logseq web clipper
If you've been looking for a web clipper that works with Logseq, look not further than MarkDownload. This tool lets you store entire webpages in .MD format, so they're easy to read and annotate in Logseq. MarkDownload is available as an extension for Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Safari.
✍️ How to write long form using Logseq
Logseq is an outliner first and foremost, but it's also a great tool for writing linear documents. In this video, Sawhney showcases what Logseq plugins and themes he uses to make writing long form in Logseq joyful. See the Community Hub for the links he mentioned.
🔎 5 must-have queries to manage your graph and life
Logseq’s built-in queries are simple but very powerful. In this short video, Bas from Tools on Tech teaches how to use links and properties to manage your Logseq graph and make your life easier. See the Community Hub for the query codes.
⏳ Cal Newport’s Time-block planner in Logseq
Looking for a way to structure your Journals page to support your habits and deep work sessions? Have a look at this thorough workflow demo by Josh Duffney.
🧠 En español: Flashcards en Logseq + Anki
The Logseq community is international, with many members creating useful content in their native tongues. For example 1 estudiante más, who regularly releases useful workflow videos about Logseq in Spanish. Would you like to see more international content? Hit reply and let us know!